VRtist, A Virtual Reality tool for storytelling.

Directors and artists can setup a 3D scene being immersed into the virtual world. That will allow them to have a better understanding of the 3D scene.



This project is in alpha state and actively developed. Do not use it to edit your production assets without a backup or you might break them.

Main Features

  • Set dressing: import 3D objects and compose the virtual set.

  • Camera: naturally move around and find the best camera angles and depth of field.

  • Animation: use the record mode or key frames to create animations.

  • Lighting: use gradient sky or fine-tune the lighting using lights (directional, point and cone).

  • Nonlinear editing: nonlinear editing using multi-camera footages.

  • Live link: Blender and VRtist scene live link.

Supported VR Devices

For now, VRtist has only been tested with the Oculus Rift S and Oculus Quest devices.

Getting Started

Download, Install, and get everything ready


Starting a scene, and moving around


Every tool in VRtist

Advanced Features

More complex features

Script References

How VRtist works